Saturday, March 20, 2010

The planning begins


We have been at home for a few weekends now looking after stuff that needs doing.  The chooks will be moving into their new house today, the lawn needs mowing and my home office (where I write this) needs a good tidy up.  Tonight we are off to a 21st birthday party and tomorrow I'm playing music in the morning.

We are planning our Easter break.  Currently we are both taking some time off work after the Easter celebration and the plan is to head to Cameron's Corner, then across to the coast of northern NSW.  So a few things are happening in the intervening couple of weeks.  The 4WD is going in for a 'proper' service.  With a bit of luck the winch I have just bought will arrive for installation next weekend.

So a busy couple of weekends before we head off for a bit of an adventure.

The planning part is fairly fun as well.  I like maps and I am learning to plan trips using my 4WD GPS.

So the next part of the project for us is to decide which way to go so we have some sort of rough plan.  We probably wont get into too much planning details as we can stay pretty much anywhere with our set up.  My only concern is the flooding and potential road closures up in the far north west.

Wish us luck in getting everything planned.


  1. That all sounds like LOTS of fun!!!

  2. For some reason I like the planning bit. The excitement builds for a couple of weeks until its time to go!!!
